projekts: |
digital photo collage
12 panorama pictures, height 120 cm, width 400-1200 cm
(they each vary in width)
I chose the format for the panorama pictures on purpose: the main idea was to make them as huge as possible, so that they would surpass the human field of view. Just like in reality, where you can always only see a small fragment of our world.
Photographed chronologically, always from the exact same point of view, photograph after photograph, those pictures capture different moments in time/history. They show the same places, but those places obviously went through changes with time. When one looks at the pictures they practically feel like a movie that has just been paused, each frame telling a little story of its own. The lighting of the scenery stays the same in all of the pictures and you won't find any signs of the four seasons to disturb the illusion, that those pictures have been taken in a short span of time.
In reality, it took a bit more than ten years to shoot those photographs...
When you look at those pictures you realize their documentary value, as they each tell their own story of time. But this value is just a coproduct of what I really tried to achieve: emotional intermediation.
This series of panorama pictures tells my story. The story of my childhood, the return to places, that nowadays do not exist anymore but still live on in my memory. I can always go back to them just by looking up to the skies. The skies, that are the same skies right here, were I live now.